Proven to relieve nervous tension, stress and the symptoms of mild anxiety
The combination of herbs and minerals within STAIT for Women have been traditionally used in Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine to relieve nervous tension, stress and the symptoms of mild anxiety, as well as supporting healthy emotional / mood balance.
In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study affron® intake for 4 weeks showed signs of improved mood and alleviated stress or tension related anxieties and associated fatigue. The affron® intake was well tolerated and no associated side effects were noted.
In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study ashwagandha intake in adults who had a history of chronic stress was shown to safely and effectively improve resistance to stress as well as substantially reducing serum cortisol levels resulting in self-assessed improvement in qualtiy of life.
Feel your best with STAIT for Women.